

When the time comes to enter your second chapter, it can be both an exciting and a daunting prospect. On the one hand, it means you’re free from the demanding career, and can start a new way of living. That means you can enjoy immense freedom; on the other hand, there is a wealth of adjustments that need to be made in order to make the most of this stage of life.


To help guide you through these changes, I offer monthly Lifestyle Tools for healthy retirement that you consider as part of your newly acquired freedoms: physical freedom, emotional freedom, geographic freedom, time freedom, financial, and finally relationship freedom.


These Lifestyle Tools include how to best stay active mentally and physically, build relationships with new friends and family members, set financial goals, and healthy living habits – all aiming towards making your second chapter more fulfilling. Read on for some practical advice about taking on newfound freedoms!

The Benefits and Risks of Cold Water Treatment

The Benefits and Risks of Cold Water Treatment As we age, our bodies inevitably undergo changes that could affect our overall well-being and vitality. For many, the quest for finding optimal health never ends, and for some, cold water treatment has become a popular go-to practice. What does cold water

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Find Your Pace In Retirement

Find Your Pace In Retirement Retirement can be an exciting time full of endless possibilities, but it can also be overwhelming. Without the structure of work, it’s easy to become consumed by too many things you want to do.  Additionally, the pace of change may be too much.  Also, there

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The Power of Saying NO: Know Your Limits

The Power of Saying NO: Know Your Limits Retirement is a special space held for rejuvenation, but all too often it becomes a time of overwhelming obligations and stress.  Many of us feel a sense of obligation to work, remain active in our communities, and help parents, children, and grandchildren. 

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